Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Im a little late on this post! This was the 4th of July, we went swimming and lit fireworks in the street. The girls got new swim suits from their Aunt Cathy and Cley played with sparklers for the first time. If it was up to him we would do fireworks every night!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Photos of the kids

We decided to get out the black cloth and the lights. Here is what we came up with, we hope you like them.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Just had a quiet minute...

Hi everyone!  I know we don't get to this very often, but I have a quiet minute while all the kids are sleeping, so I thought I would put a quick update on our blog.  We are currently in Colorado taking wedding pictures.  We are staying with Al's brother, Phil, while we are here, which has been fun because he hadn't seen the girls yet.  He is really enjoying them!  It has been really nice to get away for a few days. 

The girls are really starting to smile now.  It is so much fun to see their gummy smiles when we talk to them!  They are also cooing a lot.  They both are also starting to suck on their fists.  This may be just the beginning of thumbsuckers, like Cley.  Grace loves the swing and Faith loves the Boppy pillow.  They both traveled really well during our nine hour trip here.  We were grateful that they slept most of the way.  They slept through the night last Saturday.  I felt so good on Sunday.  They are doing really well since then.  We are so blessed to have such fun little ones (we call them our little "Chicklets")!!!

Cley is talking up a storm.  Everyday he surprises us with new words.  It is so fun to see how his little brain works.  He has been playing in the sandbox here and loves it.  We are going to have to get one of those.  His new favorite movie is Winnie the Pooh, which his "Ma" (Al's mom) brought when she came for Easter.  He calls my mom "Moe."  We have no idea where these names came from.  He tends to make up his own names for people, like his little cousin, Abigail.  He calls her "Abba."  Speaking of Abigail, Tessa and Brian came to visit us last week.  It was good to see them.  Tessa is expecting again!  We are so excited for them.  We are rooting for twin boys!!!

Here are a few pics you all might enjoy!  

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Life is full and busy these days.  It seems like we spend the majority of our time cleaning up poop and baby spit up!  It's ok though because we can't get enough of these girls, no matter how bad they may smell.  I still can't believe we have twins, it's kinda crazy to think that Tiff was pregnant with both babies at on time (I think she is supper woman!), not to mention the fact that she is able to feed both of them at on time!  

Every one asks how Cley is doing and how he is handling the arrival of  two new sisters.  Well,  he just thinks it's great!  He cant stop hugging and kissing them and he always wants to hold them. If we're not paying attention he will go and scoop one right of the couch for his turn to hold her.  

It's a lot of fun having twins and a lot of work.  They are a huge blessing and we can't remember what life was like with out them, nor do we want to!  Life is now to chaotic to go back to quiet and simple (I say that because all three of my kids are crying in the background as I type and Tiff is blow drying her hair and the dish washer and the washer and dryer are running at the same time).   Life is good!!!  I think I will turn the TV on for a little background noise!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Here are some pics of some of our guests.  If you came to visit and we didn't take a picture and we didn't post it, SORRY!  

Friday, February 27, 2009


We are sorry that we haven't posted in a while but we have been a little busy lately.  I know that is no excuse for some of you (Goojah Mama) but we are sticking to our story!  

Today I decided to do it a little different, only because we don't have any recent pictures.  I thought some of you might be interested in how the names of our children came about.  All of the names are Biblical, they're just not actual names of people in the Bible.  Instead we chose conceptual names.

Cley, should be spelled clay but Tiff got creative and threw an "e" in there to confuse everyone and to cause him grief the rest of his life because no one spells it right.  We got his name out of Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You are our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.   Our hope for our children is that they will be moldable and teachable by our Lord. 

Grace & Faith, not so complicated with the spelling but still important.  Ephesians 2:8-9  For by grace you have been saved through faith; and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.  This passage is of great importance to us because it explains in plain words how our salvation works.  Saved by grace, nothing we could earn, completely free to us.  Other parts of the Bible refer to our salvation as a free gift, Romans 6:23, what an awesome gift!  Through faith,  our faith is in Jesus alone, being the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.  Sounds cliché I know but that is what the Bible teaches and that is what we believe.  Besides, there is no possible way I could ever earn or repay the debt of my sin.  I am simply in too deep!

By the way, our children are a blessing to us from God and we are so grateful to have them in our lives.  Some of you know that we lost our first two pregnancies to miscarriage.  That was a very difficult time in our lives!  Our first pregnancy was twins and that was a hard loss.  The second was a single baby and we lost that one early too.  But, the Lord is good and he replaced all that was lost and we have comfort in knowing that they are in His care.

I know I don't typically write too much about our lives, but that just might change!

More pics coming soon!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


We hope everyone enjoys these pictures because it was a lot of fun taking them!  We think they are the most beautiful girls we have ever laid eyes on.  (We are not bias or anything)