Hi everyone! I know we don't get to this very often, but I have a quiet minute while all the kids are sleeping, so I thought I would put a quick update on our blog. We are currently in Colorado taking wedding pictures. We are staying with Al's brother, Phil, while we are here, which has been fun because he hadn't seen the girls yet. He is really enjoying them! It has been really nice to get away for a few days.
The girls are really starting to smile now. It is so much fun to see their gummy smiles when we talk to them! They are also cooing a lot. They both are also starting to suck on their fists. This may be just the beginning of thumbsuckers, like Cley. Grace loves the swing and Faith loves the Boppy pillow. They both traveled really well during our nine hour trip here. We were grateful that they slept most of the way. They slept through the night last Saturday. I felt so good on Sunday. They are doing really well since then. We are so blessed to have such fun little ones (we call them our little "Chicklets")!!!
Cley is talking up a storm. Everyday he surprises us with new words. It is so fun to see how his little brain works. He has been playing in the sandbox here and loves it. We are going to have to get one of those. His new favorite movie is Winnie the Pooh, which his "Ma" (Al's mom) brought when she came for Easter. He calls my mom "Moe." We have no idea where these names came from. He tends to make up his own names for people, like his little cousin, Abigail. He calls her "Abba." Speaking of Abigail, Tessa and Brian came to visit us last week. It was good to see them. Tessa is expecting again! We are so excited for them. We are rooting for twin boys!!!
Here are a few pics you all might enjoy!