Monday, March 2, 2009


Here are some pics of some of our guests.  If you came to visit and we didn't take a picture and we didn't post it, SORRY!  


Goojah Mama said...

So cute. I love all the pix that you post. We wanted to come down to see ya'll but I came down with strep throat and it would not be very nice to share that with any one of you!! I'm pretty ticked at whom ever gave it to me!!! GRRRRRR (ouch!) So once again we will have to try and catch you next time. Hugs to you all!!!!!

Doloresdos said...

What a pair of blessings. They are to be envied. Mostly by we who have on grandchildren. I will bookmark your site so we can watch the progress. Pete and Laurie montano

Kaydee and the boys said...

I MISS YOU I MISS YOU I MISS YOU. Those babies are so adorable and I can't wait to meet them. Tanya's a cutie, & you're mom looks so good. I just miss your whole stinking cute family. :)

ngolden said...

it is ridiculous that you have not posted in 3 weeks. c'mon man.

Erin said...

hey tiff! found your blog through your facebook. can't wait to catch up and see what you ahve been up to for the last 4 years! i will add you too my blog when i get around a chance.